Friday, June 28, 2019

'Budaya Ketaksuban Politik', Pena Dr. Siva@Utusan Malaysia, 28 Jun 2019


KEBELAKANGAN ini kita melihat dunia politik menjadi lebih sensasi. Yang terbaharu adalah penularan video seks yang disyaki membabitkan individu berprofil tinggi negara. Ramai yang memberikan pandangan dan menganalisis berdasarkan kepada peredaran semasa. Ada yang berhati-hati untuk menerimanya; ada pula yang menolak dengan andaian ini adalah 'wayang politik' atau 'drama minggu ini'.
Tidak ketinggalan, ramai juga menjadi ‘artificial intelligence’ dinobat sebagai penyunting video profesional. Sejarah menunjukkan bahawa pembunuhan karakter merupakan alat yang signifikan terutama dalam sasaran ke atas kehidupan peribadi, tingkah laku, nilai dan identiti diri. Pemasaran negatif atau yang juga dikenali sebagai ‘Black PR’ bertujuan untuk memalukan, taktik jijik dan boleh berada di luar kawalan dalam perang saraf maklumat sebagaimana di Rusia dikenali sebagai kompromat.
Pembunuhan karakter adalah ‘alat strategik’ yang telah wujud berabad lamanya diguna oleh parti, ahli atau penyokong politik. Ia adalah fenomena sosial, budaya dan politik. Semakin tinggi literasi politik, hipotesisnya adalah bahawa kematangan untuk melihat perbezaan politik yang lebih sivil, dan berhemah ke arah pembentukan masyarakat madani tetapi apa yang berlaku adalah di sebaliknya. Ini termasuk golongan terpelajar yang turut diselubungi sifat ketaksuban keterlaluan walaupun sebahagiannya tidak teruja seperti tahun 1998 mahupun 2008.
Budaya ketaksuban politik mempunyai tahap yang berbeza-beza sehingga ada yang radikal dan ekstrem kerana percaya ia penting dalam pertembungan ideologi mahupun perbezaan hala tuju baik dalam satu parti ataupun berhadapan dengan parti lawan. Ia menjadi lebih bahaya apabila membabitkan persaingan pemimpin dan barisan saf yang sama kerana akan menyebabkan penyokong parti tidak ada pilihan tetapi untuk memilih kartel masing-masing. Siapakah yang beruntung dalam perpecahan politik kepuakan parti sendiri?
Adakah yang muncul ini pendekatan baru bermotifkan politik lama atau sesuatu yang tidak mengejutkan dalam gelanggang politik tanah air. Dulu kita disogok dengan surat layang dan kenyataan-kenyataan bersifat pembunuhan karakter peribadi seseorang pemimpin; kemudian ia berubah kepada pita rakaman dan pengambilan video yang kemudiannya tersebar luas akibat kealpaan sendiri. Selepas itu muncul pelbagai gajet yang terus berubah sehingga kepada capaian yang pantas dan pintar. Maka, kita segera menerima penyebaran video tersebut.
Nilai emosional, agama, keabsahan moral dan ikatan kepartian menjadi taruhan. Ilustrasi watak tidak layak menjadi pemimpin di manifestasi melalui pembunuhan karakter, kempen hasutan dan fitnah, keganasan informasi yang sebahagiannya boleh dipersoal agar dapat mezahirkan krisis ke atas legitimasi moral. Kepercayaan dan keyakinan berada di hujung tanduk walaupun sebahagiannya tidak kisah kerana mengandaikan ia adalah permainan pedang aktor dan strategis politik yang kian resah dengan perkembangan semasa.
Kempen pembunuhan karakter pemimpin secara tersusun dan rapi dengan perdekatan teknologi mempercepatkan proses mendekati kumpulan sasar terancang. Siapakah yang paling untung dan bakal rugi dalam saga ini atau akan muncul pihak ketiga yang meraikan pertembungan dalaman kepimpinan sehingga parti sendiri terlerai kepada kartel dan politik kepuakan. Reaksi penyokong masing-masing membawa rekahan hubungan dalaman parti bilamana ada pula ambil sikap ‘tunggu dan lihat’.
Budaya ketaksuban politik bukan baharu. Ia sudah wujud lama dan akan terus kekal. Walaupun ada yang mengandaikan bahawa literasi politik dan kematangan berpolitik akan berubah selari dengan amalan pendemokrasian tanah air pasca-5 Mei 2018; ramai yang tidak sedar bahawa nilai kesederhanaan sukar wujud bilamasa kumpulan berpartisan politik semakin membesar dan kumpulan yang setia pada ideologi politik semakin mengecil. Di negara barat, ia jelas iaitu sama ada menyokong Parti A atau B tetapi di sini kita melihat masyarakat sedang melalui ‘proses transisi’ secara evolusi kerana perubahan tidak berlaku sebagaimana di negara lain. Apabila kumpulan setia kepada parti dan pemimpin semakin mengecil, pertembungan menjadi sengit dan boleh melencong bersifat peribadi; dalam gelanggang yang penuh kerakusan dan adakalanya menjadi liar serta ganas sukar dikawal.
Yang penting dalam ledakan komunikasi dan mekanisme perhubungan adalah mencari punca mengapakah ia berlaku. Tujuan dan matlamat serta justifikasi periu dicari melangkaui ciri emosional. Adakah pertembungan ini bertujuan untuk meraih kuasa, kedudukan dan pangkat sehingga menjadikan ia terlalu bersifat peribadi dan keazaman untuk membunuh karakter pemimpin walau apa cara sekalipun. Fitnah lebihbesar binasanya dari dibunuh kata yang pernah merasai peritnya.
Mengapakah pembunuhan karakter dilakukan dengan ‘politik ganas’ ini? Masyarakat umum paling mudah dipengaruhi dengan elemen emosional apatah lagi jika ia adalah sesuatu yang ditolak oleh kepercayaan majoriti atau dilabel sebagai songsang. Adegan atau kenyataan yang berbau kemarahan, keresahan dan kekecewaan seringkali diguna untuk mendekati pemerhati atau golongan penonton. Yang jelas, politik lama berterusan dalam eko-sistem yang berubah mengikut zaman. Adakah teknologi sedang mengawal gerak-geri insan atau nilai kemanusiaan dipertaruhkan kerana teknologi diberi keutamaan.
Lazimnya, golongan populis menggunakan metodologi ini yakni rayuan emosional dari debatan rasional. Secara strategik, pembunuhan karakter dilakukan sebagai kejutan ke atas penonton dan menarik liputan media serta cakapan orang ramai. Naratif ini yang dilakukan seperti pujukan persuasif agar budaya ketaksuban politik dapat mengenepikan amalan demokratik tanah air. Sama ada benar atau tidak, seringkali isu yang dihadapi oleh beberapa bekas pemimpin parti politik dijadikan nota kaki dimana elemen-elemen memanipulasi apa yang bersifat peribadi untuk paparan umum dan bagaimana secara rahsia ada yang dirakam dan ada pula yang ditokok-tambah dengan perubahan peralatan dan prasarana teknologi. Dimanakah politik akhlak dan akidah bilamana golongan pesaing politik menggunakan kaedah ini?
Yang jelas, ‘tiada lawan dan kawan tetap cuma kepentingan’ dalam politik. Budaya ketaksuban politik menyumbang kepada sama ada kita mampu meraikan kematangan berpolitik dan bergerak ke arah politik berhemah atau di sebaliknya. Ingat, pemimpin juga ada keluarga dan sanak-saudara, mereka juga manusia yang ada perasaan. Ia boleh juge berlaku kepada anda dan saya.
Wajar dibuat satu garis pemisah batasan ke atas tingkah-laku songsang agar kita tidak dilihat masih berada di takuk yang sama walau mau menjelma sebagai kuasa demokrasi Asia Tenggara baharu. Faham, hormat dan terima boleh menjadi nilai asas untuk meraikan perbezaan dalam politik dan beradu dalam gelanggang dengan penuh keadilan pada pentas yang sama rata agar aib, hina, dusta dan memalukan seseorang dapat dihentikan. Kalaulah keazaman politik dipamer dalam sektor yang lebih mahu dirasai oleh masyarakat, rasanya perkara asas membebani rakyat boleh diatasi. Idealnya sebegitu, realisnya bagaimana?
PROFESOR DR. P. SIVAMURUGAN ialah Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

Thursday, June 27, 2019

'Malaysia sex video scandal fuels Mahathir succession rumor mill'@Asian Nikkei Review, 26 June 2019


KUALA LUMPUR -- A year after sweeping into power, Malaysia's ruling coalition is embroiled in a sex scandal that has echoes of one that landed former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim in jail two decades ago.
The controversy erupted on June 11, when sex videos involving two men were shared with journalists on WhatsApp. The caption alleged that one of the men was Economic Affairs Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali, a close aide to Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.
Though Mahathir pledged before last year's election that he would ultimately hand the reins of government to Anwar, now the leader of the Pakatan Harapan coalition, the prime minister has avoided committing to a time frame and Azmin is rumored to be his preferred successor. The scandal has touched off a firestorm of speculation about the authenticity of the videos and the possible political motives for releasing them.
The day after the journalists received the footage, Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz, a deputy prime minister's aide, released a video on his Facebook page and claimed he is in the footage with Azmin.
Azmin has categorically denied any involvement with the videos and rebuffed calls to step aside. He filed a complaint with the police against Haziq and urged the authorities to look into who was responsible for spreading the clips. Haziq was arrested on June 14 as he was about to board a flight to Manila from Kuala Lumpur.
But the succession plan for the 93-year-old Mahathir, which had already drawn skepticism, now looks even more uncertain.
The general consensus within Pakatan Harapan is that Mahathir will keep his promise and let Anwar take over. Yet, many observers still harbor doubts due to the bitter history between the two men, coupled with Azmin's rise to prominence.
Mahathir, during his first premiership from 1981 to 2003, groomed Anwar as his successor. In 1998, however, the prime minister sacked his protege over allegations of corruption and sodomy, which is a crime in Malaysia. Anwar then spent about six years in prison, before the sodomy conviction was overturned in 2004.
Anwar led a campaign against Mahathir from jail and founded the People's Justice Party (PKR), which was headed by his wife and current Deputy Prime Minister Wan Azizah Wan Ibrahim. The party is now the leading force in Pakatan Harapan, or the Alliance of Hope; Anwar and Mahathir buried the hatchet before last year's election to oust incumbent Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Azmin has suggested the scandal is an attempt at character assassination by some individuals within the PKR. "I am sure that this has a political agenda, done by certain people who intend to halt my progression in the government as well as in politics," he said.
Mahathir -- despite sacking Anwar over similar allegations -- has argued Azmin is a victim of "gutter politics." The prime minister has vouched for his aide's innocence and said there is no need for him to take a leave of absence.
Azmin and Anwar, too, were once close: The former was the latter's private secretary during his stint as deputy prime minister. But after his former boss was jailed, Azmin rose through the ranks. Today he commands strong grassroots support within the PKR -- of which he was been deputy president since 2010 -- and is said to have a frosty relationship with Anwar due to their clashing political aspirations.
The talk that Azmin might get the nod to succeed Mahathir has only underscored the apparent rift.
Anwar has expressed sympathy for Azmin over the scandal but has not directly addressed the claims of PKR sabotage. "I stress that this issue has political elements, therefore it is not appropriate to baselessly accuse anyone of spreading the videos," Anwar said.
Oh Ei Sun, a senior fellow with the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, said the Azmin scandal is unlikely to impact support for Pakatan Harapan, as its supporters tend to be open-minded about private matters. But he sees the affair as a clear sign of PKR infighting.
"We can only say this is obviously the work of those who don't want to see Azmin become prime minister," he said. "PKR's internal struggle has been plain for all to see since almost immediately after the last general election, and which intensified during the party elections" earlier this year.
Sivamurugan Pandian, a political analyst at Malaysia's University of Science, suggested the scandal holds weight precisely because of the ruling coalition's focus on political and moral integrity, among other reform initiatives.
"If it's an outsider job, he or she will have to work closely with someone within [the party] as well," he said, calling on the police to verify the true origin of the videos.
"Sex misconduct is the easiest [way] to destroy the moral legitimacy of a politician who is seen having good relations with top leaders of the government," the analyst said. "It could also be a conspiracy to discredit someone's reputation and credibility in order to end his political career."

Saturday, June 22, 2019

'Ke mana hala tuju PAS selepas ini?'@Berita Harian, 21 Jun 2019


Menjelang Muktamar PAS ke-65: Apa yang dianggap asing dalam lingkaran tafsiran PAS satu ketika dahulu, semakin menjadi kebiasaan tanpa ada lagi kening terangkat atau dahi berkerut penuh skeptikal. PAS sudah lama dan jauh meninggalkan imej ‘parti Pak Lebai’ yang dikaitkan sekitar dekad awal penubuhannya, seiring pendekatan agresif menerusi tutur kata dan perlakuan pemimpin serta ahlinya waktu itu.
Perubahan PAS dilihat berlaku atas dua faktor - kitaran perkembangan politik tanah air dan evolusi status latar belakang pendidikan ahlinya, sekali gus mengubah imej itu dalam pelbagai aspek. Apakah ia turut mempengaruhi dasar perjuangan PAS yang meletakkan Islam sebagai asas dalam setiap keputusan dan tindakan?
Apakah kerjasama dengan UMNO tidak lebih daripada percaturan politik memanjangkan ‘talian hayat’?
Penganalisis Politik Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Prof Sivamurugan Pandian, berpendapat PAS mulai menyedari kepentingan meraikan persamaan dengan UMNO dalam usaha memenuhi aspirasi politik untuk jangka panjang.
“Bertahun lamanya PAS dan UMNO meletakkan perbezaan yang lebih banyak mencetus perbalahan, selain kedudukan UMNO sebagai parti pemerintah pada waktu itu. Perubahan iklim politik tanah air mengubah pendekatan mereka dan masing-masing kelihatan bersungguh meneroka kerjasama secara dua hala walaupun masih banyak rintangan perlu dihadapi.
“Kerjasama ini tidak wajar mempunyai kerangka masa tertentu. Masing-masing masih mempunyai krisis kepercayaan dan ia mengambil masa, namun keperluan untuk mengukuhkan ikatan lebih mendesak berbanding berjuang sendiri,” katanya.

Cari titik tengah pacu hala tuju
Bekas Mursyidul Am PAS, Allahyarham Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, pernah melabel UMNO sebagai sekular kerana hanya menjuarai agenda Melayu, sedangkan Islam tidak membataskan ruang lingkup perjuangannya kepada kaum atau bangsa.
Atas keperluan dan persekitaran berbeza, nada seperti itu tidak lagi kedengaran dalam kalangan kedua-dua pihak, malah kedudukan PAS dan UMNO sebagai pembangkang mendorong mereka mencari titik tengah untuk memacu hala tuju.
Di sebalik hasrat menzahirkan perpaduan ummah yang kerap diperkatakan Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang, tetap wujud ruang prasangka dalam kalangan akar umbi parti itu, terutama yang melalui pahit getir diperlekeh UMNO.
Dilema itu, tegas Sivamurugan, perlu dirungkai secara tuntas oleh Hadi di hadapan perwakilan muktamar kali ini, dalam usaha mengaut sokongan penuh dalam membentuk persefahaman.
“Tugasnya sama berat buat kedua-dua parti. PAS perlu meyakinkan banyak pihak bahawa nada ekstrem yang pernah menjadi lumrahnya sudah lapuk ditelan zaman, selain mengakui perlunya kepentingan Melayu dipertahankan.
“UMNO yang mulai memahami peranan sebagai pembangkang, mesti menerangkan kepada penyokong setianya bahawa Islam tidak harus dikesampingkan daripada agenda Melayu,” katanya.
Jika Hadi memilih pentas ucapan dasarnya hari ini untuk meyakinkan 1,200 perwakilan mengenai kerjasama PAS-UMNO, ia harus berpaksikan hala tuju perjuangan melangkaui pilihan raya umum akan datang.
PAS pernah menarik ahlinya untuk memangkah DAP di kertas undi - penanda aras agak tinggi berdasarkan asas perjuangan siasah masing-masing yang berhak diibaratkan langit dengan bumi. Hadi berdepan tiga lapisan ahli dalam PAS - penyokong totok yang hidup matinya bersama PAS sejak ditubuhkan pada 1951; golongan pertengahan yang terikat dengan sejarah, tetapi terbuka kepada perubahan dan penyokong muda berpendidikan yang mementingkan survival PAS untuk jangka panjang.
Untuk itu, Hadi perlu merencana sekurang-kurangnya tiga pendekatan berbeza supaya mereka memahami gelombang perubahan dihadapi tidak bermakna prinsip al-Quran dan hadis yang dipegang sejak hari pertama akan dikorbankan.
Muktamar PAS yang julung kalinya menjejak bumi Pahang kali ini harus dijadikan penanda aras untuk meruntuhkan keegoan peribadi jika parti itu benar-benar ikhlas meletakkan permuafakatan ummah mengatasi kepentingan politik.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

‘Everything points to an inside job’@The Star, 15 June 2019

PETALING JAYA: All elementary facts show that the sex video saga involving a man allegedly resembling Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali is an inside job from within the party itself to character-assassinate him, say analysts.Umno leaders, on the other hand, said they had nothing to gain and everything to lose if they had
the tenacity to concoct a dirty political campaign against a top-ranking federal minister at this point in time, when Umno is at its lowest morale.
Universiti Sains Malaysia political analyst Prof Dr Sivamurugan Pandian said it was quite common for political contestants to use incivility tools and vilification to character-assassinate individuals from within the same party.
He pointed out that the release of the recent sex videos was likely an inside job as the details on how it was done and the statements from various parties, as well as the alleged source of the videos, showed that it was an attack from within the party.
In the past week, clips of a sex video featuring two men have been circulating on social media, initially sent out to PKR leaders and selected media personnel through Whats­App groups.
The issue was heightened when PKR member Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz confessed in a video that it was indeed him with the federal minister in the videos.
Azmin had cried that it was a “nefarious plot” to kill off his political career, while Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the video was fake.
PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had also condemned it as “gutter politics”.
Sivamurugan said the fact that the video saga had details only PKR people would know was proof that it was all a plot by people in the party.
“Who would know the detailed schedule of the person (Azmin), including the room number? Also, look at the confession by Haziq as well as the statement from PKR leaders,” said Sivamurugan.
He said the statements given out by PKR leaders seemed to defend their own factions.
PKR vice-president Zuraida Kam­aruddin had said it was a plot to undermine the rise of Azmin’s political career.
Ibrahim Suffian of Merdeka Centre said the sex video saga was a team effort.
“It certainly doesn’t look like the handiwork of just one person as the production of the confession, the sex video and the purported financial documents point towards some form of team effort (albeit a cliched one with plot holes, as well as easily spotted fake documents).
“In situations like this, the perpetrators are those who would likely gain from killing Azmin’s political career.
“Azmin’s high stature in politics has made him the target of enmity from within his own party as well as those from the opposition.
“With no direct evidence available at present, it’s hard to pinpoint any quarter as being responsible for this despicable attempt at political character assassination,” said Ibrahim.
Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan of PKR said the sex videos were created to “merely destroy Azmin’s political career as he is now in top form”.
“God willing, I am confident that these groups will find a dead end. At the same time, Azmin has to be careful as these groups will continue to pile on the pressure as they have nothing to lose,” said Khai­ruddin, who was Pakatan’s candidate in the last general election.
Khairuddin also criticised Haziq for shamelessly coming forward and making an open confession, and accused him of being proud to do so in the name of character assassination.
“Here, it is already proven that this group has no dignity and such people can do anything to persecute others.
“At the same time I find it funny, seeing the hypocrites who have expressed their sympathy and disappointment towards this planned malicious agenda towards the minister,” said Khairuddin.
Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan said Umno would only lose its moral compass if it were to resort to such dirty tactics.
“We will never resort to such a political culture. This is Malaysia of the 21st century. We need to construct and advocate a mature, principled and inclusive political narrative, like what we have been doing all this while.
“This is not something new. It is not a matter of Umno today or Umno tomorrow.
“Umno must be a party driven by values and character. It is not just about power and influence. It’s about being moral and righteous,” Mohamad said.
“We are committed to constructing and charting a more vibrant and progressive politics in Malaysia and oppose any form of ‘gutter politics’, especially after the last general election.
“We take the politics of principles, integrity and moral very seriously or else Umno will lose its moral compass and fail to lead the Malay Muslim society to be a more educated, Islamic and progressive segment of modern Malaysia,” said Mohamad.
He added that making sex videos to slander a top minister would only negate all efforts the party had put in to rise again after its blistering defeat in the last general elections.
Umno Youth chief Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said Umno, as the opposition, did not have “the luxury of time and resources to waste in this sick and twisted political game among political animals”.
“The people are watching us. They want to see whether Umno has changed and returned to its reason of establishment, whether Umno is mature and wiser than before,” said Asyraf.
He was referring to the fact that Umno lost the last general election because it was perceived to have lost its moral standing.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

'Will the latest sex scandal surrounding PKR see support for Pakatan waver? Yes and no, say analysts', The Malay Mail, 13 June 2019



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While political analysts tend to disagree about whether or not character defamation can sway public opinion, there is consensus that sex scandals can still inflict some degree of damage even if the electorate appears to have matured politically. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 — The latest sex video scandal engulfing Pakatan Harapan (PH) may not shake the ruling coalition’s moderate base but will definitely put a spanner in its efforts to court more conservative Malay votes, analysts said.

Set against the background of growing public frustration with PH’s flip-flopping on key election pledges, a sex scandal — manufactured or not — could have adverse political consequences for the four-party bloc in the long run.

“Today, when political literacy is higher than before, we have higher expectations that the public is more rational when evaluating news,” Sivamurugan Pandian, political analyst at Universiti Sains Malaysia, told Malay Mail.

“But at the same time, there are some who will be emotional as we are a nation strongly bound by religious values.”

Several videos of roughly 90 seconds each began circulating on social media early Tuesday morning, just days after the Hari Raya break, that showed two men having sex. One of the men allegedly bore a resemblance to a senior Cabinet minister.

Then in the early hours of Wednesday morning, a Haziq Aziz posted a video on Facebook, confessing to being the man having sex with the minister.

At the same time, he accused the minister of corruption and urged the MACC to investigate the latter.

Immediately after, politicians from both sides of the divide came out to condemn those responsible for the video clip, calling it “vile”, “filth” and an attempt at character assassination.

They urged the public not to share or spread it on the internet, although in just two days the short clips, initially spread through WhatsApp, had already gone viral.

Sivamurugan said the country is long familiar with gutter politics, noting that many similar scandals had surfaced in the past.

But while sex scandals involving high profile politicians appear to draw less interest through the years, it is difficult to gauge its influence on voting attitudes.

“In politics, negative advertising or black PR has existed for a long time,” he said.

“I don’t know to what extent public awareness is to draw a line in accepting personalised politics or focus on credibility to lead.”

One of the most notable sex videos that implicated another PKR leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, was released during his second sodomy trial in 2011.

At the time, a survey held by influential pollster Merdeka Center found half of respondents admitting that the clip affected their confidence towards the party even as the same number said they were unsure of the clip’s authenticity.

PKR went into the 13th general election losing nearly half the seats it won in the preceding polls, although it is unclear if the sex clip or sodomy allegations that hovered over the former deputy prime minister had any bearing on the outcome.

But while political analysts tend to disagree about whether or not character defamation can sway public opinion, there is consensus that sex scandals can still inflict some degree of damage even if the electorate appears to have matured politically.

“It will definitely ignite the feeling of disgust towards (the minister),” Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia political analyst Kartini Aboo Talib said, citing public response to the video on social media that called PKR “Parti Kunyit Rakyat.”

Kunyit is the derogatory Malay street term used to describe homosexuals or transgenders similar to the English word “fag.”

“The moment the person... made a confession, nobody can claim it’s an accusation or hoax video.”

But other analysts like Oh Ei Sun, a senior fellow at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, felt that the video or confession would have little impact other than reinforce the prejudices of the warring political factions.

“The recalcitrant conservative elements in Malaysia would anyway never be persuaded unless they get their way in leading Malaysia along a theocratic path,” Oh said.

“PH core supporters who are more open-minded I think can separate the public deeds of politicians from their private lives.”

Since Haziq Aziz’s confession video, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali has made a statement denying he is the other man in the video and called the whole thing an attempt to destroy his political career.

A second wave of sex video and photographs were released last night even as PKR leaders met to discuss the scandal.

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