Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

National Dialogue On Education Review News (Penang Chapter), The Star, 18 June 2012

'Mac 2013 Adalah Waktu Sesuai PRU13?', Sinar Harian, 18 Jun 2012

Prof Madya Sivamurugan Pandian berkata, tarikh PRU13 banyak bergantung kepada pengamatan Perdana Menteri ke atas persediaan termasuk mengurus persepsi kepada isu, calon dan jentera parti. “(Oleh itu) tidak memeranjatkan jika Perdana Menteri akan menggunakan tempoh sepenuhnya untuk memenuhi kesemua ciri tersebut kerana PRU akan datang adalah ibu segala PRU dan kemenangan bergantung kepada kesepaduan dalam parti dan itu yang akan diteliti oleh Perdana Menteri,” katanya lagi. Tambah beliau, jika ada pihak yang menekan Perdana Menteri untuk mengadakannya sekarang, maka pihak tersebut boleh meminta pembangkang membuatnya di negeri-negeri pentadbiran mereka.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dialog Nasional Pendidikan Negara, USM, 17 Jun 2012

Bersama TS Wan Zahid dan TS Alimuddin.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

'Bila Tarikh Parlimen Akan Dibubar', Kolum Pena Dr.Siva, Utusan Malaysia, 12 Jun 2012

'People To Expect More Benefits In 2013 Budget', New Straits Times, 12 June 2012

'People to expect more benefits in 2013 Budget' Universiti Sains Malaysia's School of Social Science deputy dean, Dr Sivamurugan Pandian, said at the heart of the 2013 Budget would be the eurozone crisis, as Malaysia could also be affected. "The budget needs to explore initiatives, especially for those below the poverty line as they would be hit hardest by any potential crisis," he told the New Straits Times yesterday. He said the previous budget initiatives such as the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) and Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) should be continued, besides introducing more benefits for single parents and the needy. Sivamurugan also said groups like the civil and private sectors needed to be looked after as they could also be affected by the economic crisis. "Workers, especially those with large families and schoolgoing children, will want reassurances from the government. Infrastructure development can take a back seat for now. The government should focus on improving its services." Read more: 'People to expect more benefits in 2013 Budget' - General - New Straits Times

Monday, June 11, 2012

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