Saturday, February 06, 2010

Poll-winning Pakatan-Hindraf Combo, Malaysiakini, 060210

"The best way for the Pakatan Rakyat to win back its lost Indian electoral ground is to team up with the Human Rights Party (HRP) with its socio-political arm Hindu Rights Action Front or Hindraf"
"Given that virtually all Indian-based parties and organisations were linked to Barisan Nasional, it was politically crucial for Pakatan to include an Indian face to its fold"
"Pakatan now had a Muslim face in PAS, Chinese face in DAP and a Malay-led multi racial face in PKR"
"Teaming up with HRP - Hindraf would secure Pakatan the majority Indian votes required"
"Despite attempts by certain former Hindraf activists to destabilise the movement the HRP - Hindraf leaders have fought consistently for the Indian community"
Full Report, Malaysiakini, 6 February 2010

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