Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Opposition Told Not To Sweep Problems Under Carpet, Malaysiakini, 230210

"An academician today called on Pakatan Rakyat to address contentious issues raised by disgruntled current and former representatives, rather than keep sweeping them under the carpet"
"Pakatan shall not pretend that all were well in the coalition"
"Pakatan can't allow these clashes of personalities and distrust among component representatives to prolong"
"Pakatan leaders must accept reality that being ruling parties in certain states, they are not immune from criticisms"
"Lim and DAP were strong among the Chinese community partly due to current political fragility of MCA and Gerakan"
"It was vital for Pakatan to address and tackle all issues raised by its representatives at national and state levels before it was too late"
Full Report, Malaysiakini, 23 February 2010

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