Monday, March 30, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015
'Wajarkah Darjah Kebesaran Pesalah Jenayah Ditarik Balik?', Bernama, 18 Februari 2015
Oleh Norshazlina Nor'Azman
KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) -- Ketika berlangsungnya sesi soal jawab lisan di Parlimen pada Selasa, Datuk Othman Abdul (Pendang-BN) bertanya tentang kuasa untuk menarik balik darjah kebesaran daripada penerima yang terlibat dalam jenayah.
Menurut Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim yang menjawab soalan tambahan itu, hanya pengeluar darjah kebesaran yang layak menarik balik pemberian tersebut daripada penerimanya.
Dalam pada masa yang sama, wujud cadangan serupa di media sosial, memandangkan individu yang dikurnia darjah kebesaran sepatutnya menjaga status sejajar dengan gelaran diberikan kepada mereka, dengan mengelakkan daripada terjerumus dalam aktiviti yang bertentangan dengan undang-undang.
Isu menarik balik gelaran pernah diperkatakan pada Jun 2004 oleh Setiausaha Parlimen di Jabatan Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum yang berkata kerajaan mengkaji cadangan supaya pangkat kebesaran yang diberi kepada individu yang didapati terbabit dalam kegiatan jenayah, ditarik balik.
Penarikan semula gelaran oleh Sultan, Raja atau Yang Dipertua sesebuah negeri atas pelbagai faktor bukanlah perkara baharu.
Terbaharu adalah pada Disember tahun lepas, Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah menarik balik gelaran Datuk Seri yang dikurniakan kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, berkuatkuasa 3 Nov, ekoran tindakan Anwar sejak akhir tahun 2013 yang mempersoal kewibawaan dan kuasa Sultan Selangor serta institusi diraja dalam menyelesaikan kemelut pelantikan Menteri Besar Selangor.
Namun Anwar masih mempunyai darjah kebesaran negeri lain, antaranya Perlis, Perak, Sabah, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka dan Pahang.
Pada Okt 2010, Sultan Kelantan Sultan Muhammad ke-V juga menarik balik darjah kebesaran yang membawa gelaran Datuk daripada Presiden Perkasa Datuk Ibrahim Ali, tanpa menghebahkan kepada umum sebab penarikan balik tersebut.
Pada Okt 2004, Sultan Pahang menarik balik gelaran 'Datuk Seri' dan 'Datuk' daripada dua lelaki berhubung penglibatan mereka dengan jenayah, antaranya kerana terlibat dalam kongsi gelap.
Justeru, adakah wajar sekiranya penglibatan seseorang individu di dalam jenayah dijadikan sebagai batu asas atau ketetapan untuk sesuatu darjah-darjah kebesaran ditarik semula?
Menjawab persoalan itu, pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia Prof Madya Dr Sivamurugan Pandian menegaskan sebarang keputusan pelucutan darjah kebesaran adalah di bawah kuasa mutlak dan pertimbangan Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan atau Yang di-Pertua Negeri yang mengurniakan darjah kebesaran berkenaan.
Katanya penarikan semula darjah kebesaran pada penyandangnya bukanlah amalan baharu, malah beberapa negeri termasuk Sultan Selangor dan Sultan Johor pernah berbuat demikian beberapa kali atas sebab-sebab tertentu.
"Keputusan hanya boleh dibuat oleh pihak istana sendiri berdasarkan peraturan atau panduan yang digunapakai oleh istana... maka ia terpulang kepada pihak istana sama ada mahu menarik balik sesuatu anugerah itu atau tidak, tanpa boleh dipengaruhi oleh sesiapa.
"Namun sejauh mana amalan itu hendak dijadikan sebagai satu ketetapan, ia bergantung kepada istana... kalau hendak disyaratkan, ia haruslah bersifat menyeluruh di mana bukan dikenakan pada seseorang individu tertentu sahaja... tetapi seharusnya kepada individu-individu lain yang disabitkan kesalahan," katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama.
Beliau berkata ini bagi mengelakkan penarikan semula sesuatu darjah kebesaran itu dipertikaikan dan dijadikan bahan politik.
"Contohnya, sekiranya hanya Anwar dikenakan tindakan penarikan balik gelaran, ia pasti mewujudkan kesan yang tidak baik kerana orang akan mempertikaikan kenapa baru sekarang, kenapa tidak ketika Anwar dipenjarakan pada 1999 dahulu... akan ada banyak isu timbul," katanya.
Sivamurugan, bagaimanapun, berpendapat Anwar misalnya, jika tidak mempercayai sistem raja berperlembagaan dan mempersoalkan kewibawaan institusi itu, adalah wajar bagi beliau untuk memulangkan semula kesemua gelaran yang diperolehnya.
"....kalau beliau hendak pulangkan, tetapi mungkin bagi beliau anugerah itu diperoleh ketika berada di dalam kerajaan dahulu tetapi beliau wajar memulangkan sekiranya terus menyelar raja-raja," katanya.
Sementara itu, pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain berkata kelazimannya apabila seseorang individu melakukan jenayah, anugerah yang diperolehnya ditarik balik.
Namun terdapat juga beberapa individu yang terlibat dalam kes jenayah sebelum ini tidak ditarik balik gelarannya.
"Ia terpulang kepada pemberi... juga terpulang pada Menteri Besar atau pun Perdana Menteri untuk menasihati Sultan atau Yang di-Pertuan Agong untuk berbuat demikian, tetapi setakat boleh menasihatkan," katanya.
Katanya tidak salah untuk rakyat menyuarakan pandangan tetapi tidak boleh memaksa seseorang individu itu ditarik gelarannya kerana keputusannya tetap di tangan pihak istana yang berkenaan.
"Lagipun jika satu istana tarik balik, individu itu mungkin ada banyak lagi anugerah yang diperoleh dari istana negeri lain yang dikekalkan... maka dia mungkin tidak terkesan kerana masih boleh menggunakan gelaran yang ada," katanya.
KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) -- Ketika berlangsungnya sesi soal jawab lisan di Parlimen pada Selasa, Datuk Othman Abdul (Pendang-BN) bertanya tentang kuasa untuk menarik balik darjah kebesaran daripada penerima yang terlibat dalam jenayah.
Menurut Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim yang menjawab soalan tambahan itu, hanya pengeluar darjah kebesaran yang layak menarik balik pemberian tersebut daripada penerimanya.
Dalam pada masa yang sama, wujud cadangan serupa di media sosial, memandangkan individu yang dikurnia darjah kebesaran sepatutnya menjaga status sejajar dengan gelaran diberikan kepada mereka, dengan mengelakkan daripada terjerumus dalam aktiviti yang bertentangan dengan undang-undang.
Isu menarik balik gelaran pernah diperkatakan pada Jun 2004 oleh Setiausaha Parlimen di Jabatan Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum yang berkata kerajaan mengkaji cadangan supaya pangkat kebesaran yang diberi kepada individu yang didapati terbabit dalam kegiatan jenayah, ditarik balik.
Penarikan semula gelaran oleh Sultan, Raja atau Yang Dipertua sesebuah negeri atas pelbagai faktor bukanlah perkara baharu.
Terbaharu adalah pada Disember tahun lepas, Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah menarik balik gelaran Datuk Seri yang dikurniakan kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, berkuatkuasa 3 Nov, ekoran tindakan Anwar sejak akhir tahun 2013 yang mempersoal kewibawaan dan kuasa Sultan Selangor serta institusi diraja dalam menyelesaikan kemelut pelantikan Menteri Besar Selangor.
Namun Anwar masih mempunyai darjah kebesaran negeri lain, antaranya Perlis, Perak, Sabah, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka dan Pahang.
Pada Okt 2010, Sultan Kelantan Sultan Muhammad ke-V juga menarik balik darjah kebesaran yang membawa gelaran Datuk daripada Presiden Perkasa Datuk Ibrahim Ali, tanpa menghebahkan kepada umum sebab penarikan balik tersebut.
Pada Okt 2004, Sultan Pahang menarik balik gelaran 'Datuk Seri' dan 'Datuk' daripada dua lelaki berhubung penglibatan mereka dengan jenayah, antaranya kerana terlibat dalam kongsi gelap.
Justeru, adakah wajar sekiranya penglibatan seseorang individu di dalam jenayah dijadikan sebagai batu asas atau ketetapan untuk sesuatu darjah-darjah kebesaran ditarik semula?
Menjawab persoalan itu, pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia Prof Madya Dr Sivamurugan Pandian menegaskan sebarang keputusan pelucutan darjah kebesaran adalah di bawah kuasa mutlak dan pertimbangan Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan atau Yang di-Pertua Negeri yang mengurniakan darjah kebesaran berkenaan.
Katanya penarikan semula darjah kebesaran pada penyandangnya bukanlah amalan baharu, malah beberapa negeri termasuk Sultan Selangor dan Sultan Johor pernah berbuat demikian beberapa kali atas sebab-sebab tertentu.
"Keputusan hanya boleh dibuat oleh pihak istana sendiri berdasarkan peraturan atau panduan yang digunapakai oleh istana... maka ia terpulang kepada pihak istana sama ada mahu menarik balik sesuatu anugerah itu atau tidak, tanpa boleh dipengaruhi oleh sesiapa.
"Namun sejauh mana amalan itu hendak dijadikan sebagai satu ketetapan, ia bergantung kepada istana... kalau hendak disyaratkan, ia haruslah bersifat menyeluruh di mana bukan dikenakan pada seseorang individu tertentu sahaja... tetapi seharusnya kepada individu-individu lain yang disabitkan kesalahan," katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama.
Beliau berkata ini bagi mengelakkan penarikan semula sesuatu darjah kebesaran itu dipertikaikan dan dijadikan bahan politik.
"Contohnya, sekiranya hanya Anwar dikenakan tindakan penarikan balik gelaran, ia pasti mewujudkan kesan yang tidak baik kerana orang akan mempertikaikan kenapa baru sekarang, kenapa tidak ketika Anwar dipenjarakan pada 1999 dahulu... akan ada banyak isu timbul," katanya.
Sivamurugan, bagaimanapun, berpendapat Anwar misalnya, jika tidak mempercayai sistem raja berperlembagaan dan mempersoalkan kewibawaan institusi itu, adalah wajar bagi beliau untuk memulangkan semula kesemua gelaran yang diperolehnya.
"....kalau beliau hendak pulangkan, tetapi mungkin bagi beliau anugerah itu diperoleh ketika berada di dalam kerajaan dahulu tetapi beliau wajar memulangkan sekiranya terus menyelar raja-raja," katanya.
Sementara itu, pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain berkata kelazimannya apabila seseorang individu melakukan jenayah, anugerah yang diperolehnya ditarik balik.
Namun terdapat juga beberapa individu yang terlibat dalam kes jenayah sebelum ini tidak ditarik balik gelarannya.
"Ia terpulang kepada pemberi... juga terpulang pada Menteri Besar atau pun Perdana Menteri untuk menasihati Sultan atau Yang di-Pertuan Agong untuk berbuat demikian, tetapi setakat boleh menasihatkan," katanya.
Katanya tidak salah untuk rakyat menyuarakan pandangan tetapi tidak boleh memaksa seseorang individu itu ditarik gelarannya kerana keputusannya tetap di tangan pihak istana yang berkenaan.
"Lagipun jika satu istana tarik balik, individu itu mungkin ada banyak lagi anugerah yang diperoleh dari istana negeri lain yang dikekalkan... maka dia mungkin tidak terkesan kerana masih boleh menggunakan gelaran yang ada," katanya.
'Should Criminal Offenders Be Stripped Off Their Honorary Titles?', Bernama, 18 February 2015
By Norshazlina Nor'azman
KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) -- During question and answer session at the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday, Datuk Othman Abdul (Pendang-BN) had asked a supplementary question on the revocation of honorary titles from recipients who had committed criminal offences.
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim, in his reply, said only the presenter of the award had the authority to withdraw it.
Of late, social media platforms have been abuzz with suggestions that recipients of state and federal awards be stripped off their titles if they were found to have flouted the law. Many social media users shared the opinion that titled people should take good care of their image and status, in keeping with the honour bestowed on them.
The issue of revoking titles also arose back in June 2004 when the then Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum said the government was studying a proposal to withdraw titles conferred on individuals who were found to be involved in criminal activities.
There is nothing new about awards and titles being revoked from their recipients, as exemplified by some Sultans who had stripped certain individuals off their honours for various reasons.
The latest was in December last year when the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, revoked the Datuk Seri title that he had conferred on Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The revocation, effective Nov 3, came about after Anwar questioned the integrity and power of the Selangor Sultan, as well as the institution of monarchy, to resolve the impasse surrounding the appointment of the new Selangor menteri besar.
But the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de facto leader still holds the Datuk Seri title as he had been conferred similar awards by other states, among them Perlis, Perak, Sabah, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Pahang.
In October 2010, the Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Muhammad V, revoked an award, which carried the Datuk title, he had conferred on Perkasa President Datuk Ibrahim Ali, but the reasons for the withdrawal were not announced to the public.
Earlier, in October 2004, the Sultan of Pahang withdrew two awards, which carried the Datuk Seri and Datuk titles, from two individuals who were found to have been involved in criminal activities, including having connections with the underworld.
Does criminal involvement provide sufficient basis to justify the withdrawal of a state or federal award?
In his reply, Asso Prof Dr Sivamurugan Pandian, who is a lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia's (USM) Centre for Social Science Studies, stressed that any decision to revoke an award or title was the sole prerogative of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan or Governor of the state concerned.
He said the withdrawal of an award or title was not an unusual practice as certain rulers, including the Sultans of Selangor and Johore, had done it previously for various reasons.
"It's only the palace which has the absolute right to make such a decision, based on applicable rules and guidelines. Hence, it's up to the palace to withdraw a certain award, without any influence from outside.
"Whether or not this practice (of revoking the title of an individual who had committed a criminal offence) should be institutionalised depends on the palace... if it is, then it should apply to all and not just certain individuals only," he said, when contacted by Bernama.
Sivamurugan said this was to avoid unnecessary disputes over the issue and preventing it from being used as political fodder by the opposition.
"For example, if only Anwar is subject to the revocation, then people will ask why it is only being done now and not in 1999 when he was also jailed... various issues will arise," he said.
Sivamurugan, however, felt that Anwar should return all the awards he had received if he continued to question the integrity of the institution of monarchy and had no faith in it.
"... he may have received the awards when he was in the government but he should return them if he continues to criticise the royalty," he said.
Meanwhile, Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain, a lecturer at USM's Centre for Social Science Studies, said it was usual for an award or title to be revoked from a recipient after he had committed a criminal offence.
Nevertheless, he pointed out, there were still individuals who managed to keep their awards and titles intact, despite their criminal records.
"It's up to the presenter... it's also up to the menteri besar or Prime Minister to advise the Sultan or Yang di-Pertuan Agong to withdraw the title of any individual," he said.
He said while it was not wrong for the people to air their views, they could not forcefully demand the revocation of a person's title, as the decision rested with the palace concerned.
"Furthermore, if one palace withdraws the award and title it had conferred on an individual, he could very well still flash his title as it is likely that he would have received similar awards from other states. So the revocation doesn't really have an impact on him," he added.
KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) -- During question and answer session at the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday, Datuk Othman Abdul (Pendang-BN) had asked a supplementary question on the revocation of honorary titles from recipients who had committed criminal offences.
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim, in his reply, said only the presenter of the award had the authority to withdraw it.
Of late, social media platforms have been abuzz with suggestions that recipients of state and federal awards be stripped off their titles if they were found to have flouted the law. Many social media users shared the opinion that titled people should take good care of their image and status, in keeping with the honour bestowed on them.
The issue of revoking titles also arose back in June 2004 when the then Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum said the government was studying a proposal to withdraw titles conferred on individuals who were found to be involved in criminal activities.
There is nothing new about awards and titles being revoked from their recipients, as exemplified by some Sultans who had stripped certain individuals off their honours for various reasons.
The latest was in December last year when the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, revoked the Datuk Seri title that he had conferred on Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The revocation, effective Nov 3, came about after Anwar questioned the integrity and power of the Selangor Sultan, as well as the institution of monarchy, to resolve the impasse surrounding the appointment of the new Selangor menteri besar.
But the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de facto leader still holds the Datuk Seri title as he had been conferred similar awards by other states, among them Perlis, Perak, Sabah, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Pahang.
In October 2010, the Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Muhammad V, revoked an award, which carried the Datuk title, he had conferred on Perkasa President Datuk Ibrahim Ali, but the reasons for the withdrawal were not announced to the public.
Earlier, in October 2004, the Sultan of Pahang withdrew two awards, which carried the Datuk Seri and Datuk titles, from two individuals who were found to have been involved in criminal activities, including having connections with the underworld.
Does criminal involvement provide sufficient basis to justify the withdrawal of a state or federal award?
In his reply, Asso Prof Dr Sivamurugan Pandian, who is a lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia's (USM) Centre for Social Science Studies, stressed that any decision to revoke an award or title was the sole prerogative of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan or Governor of the state concerned.
He said the withdrawal of an award or title was not an unusual practice as certain rulers, including the Sultans of Selangor and Johore, had done it previously for various reasons.
"It's only the palace which has the absolute right to make such a decision, based on applicable rules and guidelines. Hence, it's up to the palace to withdraw a certain award, without any influence from outside.
"Whether or not this practice (of revoking the title of an individual who had committed a criminal offence) should be institutionalised depends on the palace... if it is, then it should apply to all and not just certain individuals only," he said, when contacted by Bernama.
Sivamurugan said this was to avoid unnecessary disputes over the issue and preventing it from being used as political fodder by the opposition.
"For example, if only Anwar is subject to the revocation, then people will ask why it is only being done now and not in 1999 when he was also jailed... various issues will arise," he said.
Sivamurugan, however, felt that Anwar should return all the awards he had received if he continued to question the integrity of the institution of monarchy and had no faith in it.
"... he may have received the awards when he was in the government but he should return them if he continues to criticise the royalty," he said.
Meanwhile, Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain, a lecturer at USM's Centre for Social Science Studies, said it was usual for an award or title to be revoked from a recipient after he had committed a criminal offence.
Nevertheless, he pointed out, there were still individuals who managed to keep their awards and titles intact, despite their criminal records.
"It's up to the presenter... it's also up to the menteri besar or Prime Minister to advise the Sultan or Yang di-Pertuan Agong to withdraw the title of any individual," he said.
He said while it was not wrong for the people to air their views, they could not forcefully demand the revocation of a person's title, as the decision rested with the palace concerned.
"Furthermore, if one palace withdraws the award and title it had conferred on an individual, he could very well still flash his title as it is likely that he would have received similar awards from other states. So the revocation doesn't really have an impact on him," he added.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
'PAS Lagi Kuat Kalau Abdul Hadi Sukarela Undur Diri - Atory' Astro Awani, 10 Mac 2015
Wan Syamsul Amly, Astro Awani | Kemas kini: Mac 10, 2015
(Diterbitkan pada: Mac 10, 2015 11:29 MYT)
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KUALA LUMPUR: Pas dilihat akan lebih kuat seandainya Presiden, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang mengundur diri dari terus mempertahankan jawatan itu pada muktamar parti awal Jun ini.
Penganalisis politik, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Atory Hussain berkata, ia sekali gus membuka jalan kepada Naib Presiden Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man untuk menggantikan kerusi itu dengan tersusun dan perancangan seterusnya dapat dijalankan dengan lancar.
"Sebaiknya Abdul Hadi lepaskan jawatan itu secara sukarela, ia menjadikan Pas lebih kuat dengan tokoh muda.
"Ia sekali gus memberi bayangan ulama akan bersatu selepas difahamkan sedikit retak dengan adanya beberapa masalah akhir-akhir ini," katanya ketika dihubungi di sini hari ini.
Atory mengulas pencalonan Ibrahim untuk mencabar Abdul Hadi sebagai presiden Pas pada muktamar parti awal Jun ini.
Pengumuman pencalonan tersebut dibuat yang dipertuanya, Datuk Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Abdullah dalam satu mesyuarat khas pada Isnin.
Menurut Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Abdullah, pencalonan Tuan Ibrahim bagi menggantikan Abdul Hadi dibuat berdasarkan tahap kesihatan presiden Pas itu yang dikatakan merosot, serta ketokohan yang ada pada Tuan Ibrahim selaku ulama dan berpengalaman.
Dalam pada itu jelas Atory, seandainya Abdul Hadi tidak berundur, kekuatan Tuan Ibrahim dalam mengambil alih parti pada masa akan datang tidak dapat dinafikan.
"Letakkan Tuan Ibrahim sebagai orang nombor dua di dalam parti, bila tiba masanya dia akan jadi presiden juga," ujarnya.
Dalam pada itu Timbalan Dekan Pusat Pengajian Kemasyarakatan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Pulau Pinang, Profesor Madya Dr Sivamurugan Pandian berkata, pencalonan itu dianggap masih terlalu awal untuk dibuat sebarang kesimpulan.
"Walaupun ia merupakan pencalonan pertama dalam 15 tahun menentang Abdul Hadi, ia masih awal dan ia datang dari Kelantan, iaitu kubu Tuan Ibrahim sendiri.
"Tuan Ibrahim pernah menarik diri dalam pemilihan Timbalan Presiden sewaktu Nasruddin dulu dan telah tewas kepada Mat Sabu.
Saya rasa Tuan Ibrahim akan meneliti semua sebelum buat keputusan dan kemungkinan presiden akan kekal status quo akhirnya," jelasnya.
Penganalisis politik, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Atory Hussain berkata, ia sekali gus membuka jalan kepada Naib Presiden Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man untuk menggantikan kerusi itu dengan tersusun dan perancangan seterusnya dapat dijalankan dengan lancar.
"Sebaiknya Abdul Hadi lepaskan jawatan itu secara sukarela, ia menjadikan Pas lebih kuat dengan tokoh muda.
"Ia sekali gus memberi bayangan ulama akan bersatu selepas difahamkan sedikit retak dengan adanya beberapa masalah akhir-akhir ini," katanya ketika dihubungi di sini hari ini.
Atory mengulas pencalonan Ibrahim untuk mencabar Abdul Hadi sebagai presiden Pas pada muktamar parti awal Jun ini.
Pengumuman pencalonan tersebut dibuat yang dipertuanya, Datuk Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Abdullah dalam satu mesyuarat khas pada Isnin.
Menurut Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Abdullah, pencalonan Tuan Ibrahim bagi menggantikan Abdul Hadi dibuat berdasarkan tahap kesihatan presiden Pas itu yang dikatakan merosot, serta ketokohan yang ada pada Tuan Ibrahim selaku ulama dan berpengalaman.
Dalam pada itu jelas Atory, seandainya Abdul Hadi tidak berundur, kekuatan Tuan Ibrahim dalam mengambil alih parti pada masa akan datang tidak dapat dinafikan.
"Letakkan Tuan Ibrahim sebagai orang nombor dua di dalam parti, bila tiba masanya dia akan jadi presiden juga," ujarnya.
Dalam pada itu Timbalan Dekan Pusat Pengajian Kemasyarakatan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Pulau Pinang, Profesor Madya Dr Sivamurugan Pandian berkata, pencalonan itu dianggap masih terlalu awal untuk dibuat sebarang kesimpulan.
"Walaupun ia merupakan pencalonan pertama dalam 15 tahun menentang Abdul Hadi, ia masih awal dan ia datang dari Kelantan, iaitu kubu Tuan Ibrahim sendiri.
"Tuan Ibrahim pernah menarik diri dalam pemilihan Timbalan Presiden sewaktu Nasruddin dulu dan telah tewas kepada Mat Sabu.
Saya rasa Tuan Ibrahim akan meneliti semua sebelum buat keputusan dan kemungkinan presiden akan kekal status quo akhirnya," jelasnya.
'Stop Relying Too Much On Anwar, Says Analyst', The Rakyat Post, 10 March 2015
PUBLISHED: Mar 10, 2015 06:18pm
UPDATED: Mar 10, 2015 07:22pm
Political analyst Dr Sivamurugan Pandian says Pakatan Rakyat should focus on mending the differences that could bring its coalition partners together. — TRP file pic
KUALA LUMPUR, March 10, 2015:
The United States government would have had its reasons to remove the petition to the White House that called for US President Barrack Obama to expedite Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s release.
Political analyst Dr. Sivamurugan Pandian said this when asked to comment whether the US had grounds to remove it and whether it was possible that the petition website could have been hacked.
This after a DAP lawmaker claimed that someone had hacked the petition website, which led to the webmaster removing it.
“Certainly the White House website is not easy to hack.
“The US government will definitely react rationally in regard to grounds to remove it. So it must have realised there was no valid support, so it removed it,” Sivamurugan told The Rakyat Post when contacted.
On the Opposition’s reaction to the petition, Sivamurugan opined that it was focusing too much on the petition and on Anwar, when there were internal issues to focus on.
“Even internally, it did not gain enough support. So it is trying to use external support to free him. It should find better grounds to face the government and whatever criticisms it has towards Barisan Nasional rather than focus solely on Anwar’s case.
“IT should instead focus on mending the differences that could bring Pakatan Rakyat together, especially between PAS and DAP.
“They should do this rather than rely on Anwar, who has always been able to glue the relationship between the parties,” he said.
Trying to make sense of reason the petition was removed, analyst Wong Chin Huat, who is the Fellow and Head of the Penang Institute’s Political and Social Analysis Section, said based on the petition’s policy, he wondered how the petition could have broken the requirements listed.
The Penang Institute is the public policy think tank of the Penang state government.
Wong noted the policy as stating that “petitions will not be selected for review or removal on the basis of the viewpoint they advance”.
He also pointed out that the two grounds upon which the petition could be removed included if it went beyond seeking government action or policies, or if it involved threats to individuals, obscene material, defamatory statements, or information that invaded privacy, among other factors.
“Is the US saying that the Obama administration cannot decide its top priorities on policy towards Malaysia to include release of Anwar?
“Since the moderation policy also promises that ‘the user who submitted the petition will be notified and have the opportunity to request reconsideration of the determination’, perhaps at least John Mallot, if not other petitioners, will be informed of the ground,” he told The Rakyat Post in an email response.
Wong also said that the “sabotage” on the petition could be counter-productive and that it could show that the US was “pleasing” Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
“This may simply upset many other Malaysians who earlier did not care much about the petition,” he added.
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Tags: analyst, Anwar, hacked, obama, petition Read more:
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
'Heret ROS Ke Mahkamah Tidak Selesaikan Krisis MIC - Pemerhati Politik', Bernama, 4 Mac 2015
Oleh S. Kisho Kumari
KUALA LUMPUR, (Bernama) -- Meskipun MIC berhak mengheret Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS) ke mahkamah berhubung arahan kepada parti supaya mengadakan pemilihan semula, tindakan undang-undang itu tidak mungkin dapat menyelesaikan sepenuhnya krisis dalaman parti itu, demikian menurut pemerhati politik.
Pada hakikatnya, mereka menyifatkan kes mahkamah itu sebagai satu lagi episod buruk, yang akan hanya menyebabkan perseteruan antara Presiden Datuk Seri G. Palanivel dengan timbalannya, Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam, dan penyokong masing-masing berlanjutan.
Prof Madya Dr Sarjit Singh Gill, pensyarah kanan Jabatan Sains Sosial dan Pembangunan di Universiti Putra Malaysia, berkata memandangkan hal berkenaan kini dibawa ke mahkamah, usaha MIC untuk memberi nafas baharu kepada parti dan menumpukan tumpuan kepada isu-isu nasional dan masyarakat akan tertangguh.
"Ia akan hanya mewujudkan keadaan lebih tidak menentu kepada parti," katanya.
Meskipun Sarjit Singh yakin parti itu akan dapat mengadakan pemilihan semula parti sebelum Julai tahun ini, beliau meragui proses itu akan berjalan lancar memandangkan perbezaan pendapat yang wujud antara kedua-dua pemimpin utama parti.
Pada 24 Feb, Palanivel, dua naib presiden Datuk S. Sothinathan dan Datuk S. Balakrishnan, dan bekas setiausaha agung MIC A. Prakash Rao memfailkan permohonan semakan kehakiman bagi membatalkan arahan ROS berhubung pemilihan semula beberapa jawatan utama parti.
Sehari sebelumnya, anggota Jawatankuasa Kerja Pusat (CWC) A. K. Ramalingam juga memohon semakan kehakiman bagi mengarahkan ROS dan Ketua Pengarahnya, Mohammad Razin Abdullah, supaya menarik balik arahan pemilihan semula parti yang diberikan kepada MIC.
"Mereka boleh membawa isu ini ke mahkamah. Itu hak mereka tetapi saya yakin ROS telah mengkaji implikasi undang-undang dan tidak semudah itu mereka mempertaruhkan reputasi mereka.
"Apabila sesuatu perkara itu diheret ke mahkamah, maka semua pihak perlu menunggu keputusan mahkamah," kata Sarjit Singh kepada BERNAMA.
Bekas Setiausaha Agung MIC dan Timbalan Speaker Dewan Rakyat D.P. Vijandran, yang juga seorang peguam, berpendapat bahawa MIC boleh meneruskan pemilihan semula parti, walaupun kes mahkamah belum selesai, dengan syarat bahawa "ia telah mengambil langkah-langkah yang betul dan berunding dengan penasihat undang-undang".
"Para pemimpin parti (yang mahu pemilihan semula diadakan) perlu melakukannya dalam batasan perlembagaan MIC. Satu lagi perkara, wujud persoalan sama ada RoS diberi kuasa untuk melakukan apa yang telah dilakukannya (mengarahkan MIC untuk mengadakan pemilihan baharu).
"Malahan jika mahkamah memutuskan bahawa ROS tidak mempunyai kuasa (mengarahkan pemilihan semula diadakan), masih terdapat tanda tanya mengenai kesahihan pemilihan MIC pada 2013 dan kes mahkamah tidak akan menyelesaikan perkara ini," katanya, dan menambah kata bahawa permohonan semakan kehakiman hanya memohon untuk mentafsir sama ada ROS mempunyai kuasa untuk mengeluarkan arahan pemilihan semula parti kepada MIC atau tidak.
Krisis MIC semakin bergejolak berikutan perbezaan pendapat antara dua pemimpin utama parti setelah Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS) mengeluarkan satu notis pada 5 Dis lepas mengarahkan parti itu mengadakan pemilihan semula bagi tiga jawatan Naib Presiden dan 23 jawatan anggota CWC.
ROS telah membatalkan semua pemilihan parti yang diadakan pada November 2013 berikutan aduan berlaku penyelewengan.
Pada 18 Feb, Pengerusi BN Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, timbalan pengerusinya Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Setiausaha Agung Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor menemui Presiden MIC Datuk Seri G. Palanivel dan timbalannya Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam bagi menyelesaikan krisis parti.
Menurut Tengku Adnan, pada mesyuarat itu telah dipersetujui bahawa MIC akan mengadakan pemilihan semula parti dan ia akan menggunakan senarai CWC 2009 bagi tujuan mengadakan pemilihan semula parti seperti yang diarahkan oleh ROS.
Prof Madya Dr Sivamurugan Pandian, seorang pensyarah kanan Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan Universiti Sains Malaysia, bersetuju dengan pandangan bahawa kes mahkamah hanya akan menyebabkan krisis MIC berlarutan, melainkan mahkamah menolak kedua-dua permohonan semakan kehakiman berkenaan.
Beliau berkata semakin lama krisis itu berlanjutan, semakin rumit bagi pemimpin parti untuk memberi tumpuan kepada keperluan dan permintaan masyarakat berkenaan.
"Nampak gayanya ia sudah bertukar menjadi sebuah kisah yang tiada berkesudahan dan mencemarkan imej parti. Bahkan keputusan Perdana Menteri dan timbalannya tidak dihormati. Ia turut menimbulkan persoalan tentang integriti dan keabsahan politik," katanya.
Sarjit Singh bersetuju bahawa MIC akan berdepan dengan lebih banyak masalah sekiranya krisis berkenaan dibiarkan membarah.
"MIC mungkin berhadapan kesukaran untuk menarik golongan muda India bekerjasama dengan parti atau menyertai sebagai ahli kerana mereka kini mempunyai perspektif berbeza berikutan apa yang berlaku dalam parti itu," katanya.
Menggesa para pemimpin parti untuk mengetepikan perbezaan pendapat dan mengadakan pemilihan baharu, beliau berkata mereka perlu mara ke hadapan dan merangka satu pelan tindakan pembangunan mengenai masyarakat India.
"Setakat ini, saya tidak melihat apa-apa rancangan... sebagai seorang ahli akademik, saya mahu melihat fakta dan angka.
"Masyarakat India, khususnya mereka di kawasan luar bandar dan penuntut universiti terkesan dengan krisis MIC yang berlanjutan. Parti ini perlu mendekati mereka," katanya.
'Dragging RoS To Court Will Not Resolve MIC Crisis, Say Political Observers', Bernama, 4 March 2015
News Focus By S. Kisho Kumari
KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) -- Although the MIC has the right to take the Registrar of Societies (RoS) to court over its directive to the party to hold re-elections, the legal action is not likely do much to resolve the crisis the party is engulfed in, say political observers.
In fact, they describe the court case as just another turn of the screw, which will only serve to prolong the bad vibes between the party president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel and his estranged deputy, Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam, as well as their respective supporters.
Assoc Prof Dr Sarjit Singh Gill, who is a senior lecturer with Universiti Putra Malaysia's Department of Social Sciences and Development, said now that the matter has been dragged to the court, the MIC's efforts to rejuvenate the party and start focusing on national and community issues would have to be postponed indefinitely.
"It's going to cause the party to wobble even more," he said.
Although Sarjit was confident the party may get to hold fresh elections before July this year, he doubted it would be a smooth process in view of the differences of opinion between the top two party leaders.
On Feb 24, Palanivel, his two Vice-Presidents Datuk S. Sothinathan and Datuk S. Balakrishnan, and former MIC secretary-general A. Prakash Rao filed an application for a judicial review to quash the RoS' directive calling for fresh elections for several key party posts.
A day earlier, MIC Central Working Committee (CWC) member A. K. Ramalingam had applied for a judicial review to get the RoS and its director-general, Mohammad Razin Abdullah, to retract the re-election directive sent to the party.
"They can bring the issue to the court. That's their right but I'm sure RoS has also studied the legal implications and will not simply put their reputation at stake.
"Once a matter goes to the court, then everybody has to wait for the court decision," Sarjit Singh told Bernama recently.
Former MIC secretary-general and deputy Dewan Rakyat speaker D.P. Vijandran, who is a lawyer, opined that the party could proceed with the re-elections, even with the court case pending, provided that "it has taken the proper steps in consultation with a legal adviser".
"The party leaders (who want the re-elections to be held) should do it within the confines of the MIC constitution. Then again, there is the question of whether the RoS is empowered to do what it did (send the directive to MIC to hold fresh elections).
"Even if the court were to decide that the RoS does not have the power (to send the re-election directive), there is still the question of the validity of the MIC's last party elections in 2013 and the court case will not resolve this," he said, adding that the applications for judicial review only sought to establish whether or not the RoS was empowered to issue the re-election directive to MIC.
The MIC crisis erupted following differences in opinion between Palanivel and his deputy after the RoS issued a notice last Dec 5 directing the party to hold fresh elections for the three vice-presidential and 23 CWC posts.
The RoS had nullified the elections held in November 2013 following complaints of irregularities.
On Feb 18, Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, deputy chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor met with Palanivel and Subramaniam to resolve the party crisis.
According to Tengku Adnan, it was agreed during the meeting that the MIC would hold fresh elections and that it would use its 2009 CWC list for the purpose of holding the re-elections as decided by the RoS.
Assoc Prof Dr Sivamurugan Pandian, a senior lecturer with Universiti Sains Malaysia's School of Social Sciences, agreed that the court case would serve to prolong the MIC crisis, unless the court dismissed both the applications for judicial review.
He said the longer the crisis prolonged, the more tedious it would become for the party leaders to focus on the needs and demands of the community.
"It seems to have turned into a never-ending story and has tarnished party's image. Even decisions made by the prime minister and his deputy were not respected. It also brings into question the party's integrity and political legitimacy," he added.
Sarjit agreed that the MIC would be saddled with more problems if its crisis was left to fester.
"MIC may find it difficult to attract young Indians to collaborate with the party or join as members as they now have a different perspective of the goings-on in the party," he said.
Urging the party leaders to set aside their differences and hold fresh elections, he said they should move on and draft a blueprint on the development of the Indian community.
"So far I've not seen any an academician, I would like to see the facts and figures.
"The Indians, especially those in the rural areas and university students, are suffering due to the ongoing crisis in MIC. The party should reach out to them," he added.
KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) -- Although the MIC has the right to take the Registrar of Societies (RoS) to court over its directive to the party to hold re-elections, the legal action is not likely do much to resolve the crisis the party is engulfed in, say political observers.
In fact, they describe the court case as just another turn of the screw, which will only serve to prolong the bad vibes between the party president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel and his estranged deputy, Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam, as well as their respective supporters.
Assoc Prof Dr Sarjit Singh Gill, who is a senior lecturer with Universiti Putra Malaysia's Department of Social Sciences and Development, said now that the matter has been dragged to the court, the MIC's efforts to rejuvenate the party and start focusing on national and community issues would have to be postponed indefinitely.
"It's going to cause the party to wobble even more," he said.
Although Sarjit was confident the party may get to hold fresh elections before July this year, he doubted it would be a smooth process in view of the differences of opinion between the top two party leaders.
On Feb 24, Palanivel, his two Vice-Presidents Datuk S. Sothinathan and Datuk S. Balakrishnan, and former MIC secretary-general A. Prakash Rao filed an application for a judicial review to quash the RoS' directive calling for fresh elections for several key party posts.
A day earlier, MIC Central Working Committee (CWC) member A. K. Ramalingam had applied for a judicial review to get the RoS and its director-general, Mohammad Razin Abdullah, to retract the re-election directive sent to the party.
"They can bring the issue to the court. That's their right but I'm sure RoS has also studied the legal implications and will not simply put their reputation at stake.
"Once a matter goes to the court, then everybody has to wait for the court decision," Sarjit Singh told Bernama recently.
Former MIC secretary-general and deputy Dewan Rakyat speaker D.P. Vijandran, who is a lawyer, opined that the party could proceed with the re-elections, even with the court case pending, provided that "it has taken the proper steps in consultation with a legal adviser".
"The party leaders (who want the re-elections to be held) should do it within the confines of the MIC constitution. Then again, there is the question of whether the RoS is empowered to do what it did (send the directive to MIC to hold fresh elections).
"Even if the court were to decide that the RoS does not have the power (to send the re-election directive), there is still the question of the validity of the MIC's last party elections in 2013 and the court case will not resolve this," he said, adding that the applications for judicial review only sought to establish whether or not the RoS was empowered to issue the re-election directive to MIC.
The MIC crisis erupted following differences in opinion between Palanivel and his deputy after the RoS issued a notice last Dec 5 directing the party to hold fresh elections for the three vice-presidential and 23 CWC posts.
The RoS had nullified the elections held in November 2013 following complaints of irregularities.
On Feb 18, Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, deputy chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor met with Palanivel and Subramaniam to resolve the party crisis.
According to Tengku Adnan, it was agreed during the meeting that the MIC would hold fresh elections and that it would use its 2009 CWC list for the purpose of holding the re-elections as decided by the RoS.
Assoc Prof Dr Sivamurugan Pandian, a senior lecturer with Universiti Sains Malaysia's School of Social Sciences, agreed that the court case would serve to prolong the MIC crisis, unless the court dismissed both the applications for judicial review.
He said the longer the crisis prolonged, the more tedious it would become for the party leaders to focus on the needs and demands of the community.
"It seems to have turned into a never-ending story and has tarnished party's image. Even decisions made by the prime minister and his deputy were not respected. It also brings into question the party's integrity and political legitimacy," he added.
Sarjit agreed that the MIC would be saddled with more problems if its crisis was left to fester.
"MIC may find it difficult to attract young Indians to collaborate with the party or join as members as they now have a different perspective of the goings-on in the party," he said.
Urging the party leaders to set aside their differences and hold fresh elections, he said they should move on and draft a blueprint on the development of the Indian community.
"So far I've not seen any an academician, I would like to see the facts and figures.
"The Indians, especially those in the rural areas and university students, are suffering due to the ongoing crisis in MIC. The party should reach out to them," he added.
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
'Umno's No-contest Decision Shows It Prioritises The People's Needs: Analysts', Bernama, 28 February 2015
By Nur Aimidiyana Zuher
KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) -- The Barisan Nasional's (BN) decision to stay out of the Chempaka state by-election reflects the government's commitment towards prioritising the needs of the people.
UMNO, which had traditionally contested the seat, had based its decision on the ongoing efforts by the federal government to help the people of Kelantan, who were badly hit by the floods that ravaged the state at the end of last year.
Many, including Kelantan PAS, are viewing UMNO's move positively, as they feel it will enable both parties to concentrate on the post-flood clean-up and rehabitation exercise.
Unfortunately, certain opposition leaders are seeing it in a negative light, even insinuating that the no-contest decision by UMNO-led BN has unleashed a new era of politics in Malaysia, which, they claim, will be more peaceful if UMNO and BN stayed away from all elections in future.
PAS Information Chief Datuk Mahfuz Omar alleged that the involvement of UMNO in any election would only give rise to discord and conflict, and create an uneven playing field.
Why is the BN's decision drawing such pessimistic views, even to the extent of belittling UMNO's efforts at lending a helping hand to the hapless flood victims and uniting the rakyat?
Several political analysts interviewed said any dispute or criticism arising from the BN's no-contest decision was unwarranted.
They felt that it deserved to be viewed positively because federal leaders would now have more time to serve the people.
Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain, who is a lecturer with Universiti Sains Malaysia's (USM) Centre for Social Science Studies, said it was not something out of the ordinary if the BN chose not to field a candidate in a by-election.
"In May last year, BN took the same approach by not contesting the Bukit Gelugor by-election (in Penang).
"Years ago, PAS itself didn't field any candidate in Pekan, Pahang when Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's father, the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, passed away," he told Bernama.
On Wednesday, the Prime Minister announced that the BN would sit out the Chempaka state by-election so that it could focus on the post-flood rehabilitation works in Kelantan, as well as carry out efforts to strengthen the unity of the people.
The Election Commission has fixed the Chempaka by-election for March 22, while nomination day will fall on March 10. The seat was made vacant following the death of Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat of prostrate cancer on Feb 12.
Political analysts also pointed out that although their political idealogies may vary, the Muslim community regarded Nik Aziz's demise as a great loss in view of the charismatic and exemplary leadership qualities he exuded as PAS Spiritual Leader.
Najib, when commenting on Nik Aziz's death, said the nation had lost a knowledgeable Islamic leader who had made vast contributions.
Ahmad Atory described the BN's decision to stay out of Chempaka as a mark of respect for the late Nik Aziz, who had held the seat since 1990.
During the 13th general election, Nik Aziz defeated BN's Wan Razman Wan Abd Razak with a majority of 6,500 votes.
While many see the no-contest move as proof that UMNO respects PAS, it is also an indication that the BN wants to maintain PAS-controlled Kelantan's harmonious political landscape.
Ahmad Atory said the federal government's commitment to press on with its flood relief works should not be seen as a ploy to win the support of the people of Kelantan, as both the federal and state authorities were tasked with the responsibility of taking care of the welfare and well-being of the people.
"It's better for the federal government, that is BN, to focus on post-flood rehabilitation efforts so that it will not have any guilt feelings. For sure, the flood relief works will be affected if it decides to contest the by-election," he said.
Sharing Ahmad Atory's views was Asso Prof Dr Sivamurugan Pandian, a lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia's Centre for Social Science Studies, who said that the BN's decision was a strategic one as it would enable the government to concentrate on the post-flood operations in Kelantan.
Describing it as a good initiative, Sivamurugan said the joint committee which was established to address the post-flood problems in the state, could continue doing its work uninterrupted.
It could also, he added, be a starting point for further cooperation between the federal and state governments.
"This joint flood committee is a first for PAS and UMNO, and both were willing to set aside their differences in their political idealogies for the sake of helping the people," he said.
Sivamurugan said although the BN's choice to stay away from the Chempaka by-election may be perceived wrongly by certain leaders and supporters of the coalition, the decision was made in the best interest of the people of Kelantan.
"In politics, it's usual for people to talk behind one's back. They will say that UMNO and BN are not contesting because they're worried they may not get enough support. But people who say such things are frustrated and don't want to see PAS and UMNO cooperating.
"There's no question of them being afraid to contest in a seat held by the opposition, but it's just that UMNO and BN want to prioritise the interests of the people first, not politics," he said.
The Post-Flood Joint Committee was set up last year to oversee rehabilitation works in various parts of Kelantan, which were badly hit by the floods.
It is jointly chaired by Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakob and International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, who is also Kelantan UMNO Liaison Chairman.
KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) -- The Barisan Nasional's (BN) decision to stay out of the Chempaka state by-election reflects the government's commitment towards prioritising the needs of the people.
UMNO, which had traditionally contested the seat, had based its decision on the ongoing efforts by the federal government to help the people of Kelantan, who were badly hit by the floods that ravaged the state at the end of last year.
Many, including Kelantan PAS, are viewing UMNO's move positively, as they feel it will enable both parties to concentrate on the post-flood clean-up and rehabitation exercise.
Unfortunately, certain opposition leaders are seeing it in a negative light, even insinuating that the no-contest decision by UMNO-led BN has unleashed a new era of politics in Malaysia, which, they claim, will be more peaceful if UMNO and BN stayed away from all elections in future.
PAS Information Chief Datuk Mahfuz Omar alleged that the involvement of UMNO in any election would only give rise to discord and conflict, and create an uneven playing field.
Why is the BN's decision drawing such pessimistic views, even to the extent of belittling UMNO's efforts at lending a helping hand to the hapless flood victims and uniting the rakyat?
Several political analysts interviewed said any dispute or criticism arising from the BN's no-contest decision was unwarranted.
They felt that it deserved to be viewed positively because federal leaders would now have more time to serve the people.
Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain, who is a lecturer with Universiti Sains Malaysia's (USM) Centre for Social Science Studies, said it was not something out of the ordinary if the BN chose not to field a candidate in a by-election.
"In May last year, BN took the same approach by not contesting the Bukit Gelugor by-election (in Penang).
"Years ago, PAS itself didn't field any candidate in Pekan, Pahang when Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's father, the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, passed away," he told Bernama.
On Wednesday, the Prime Minister announced that the BN would sit out the Chempaka state by-election so that it could focus on the post-flood rehabilitation works in Kelantan, as well as carry out efforts to strengthen the unity of the people.
The Election Commission has fixed the Chempaka by-election for March 22, while nomination day will fall on March 10. The seat was made vacant following the death of Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat of prostrate cancer on Feb 12.
Political analysts also pointed out that although their political idealogies may vary, the Muslim community regarded Nik Aziz's demise as a great loss in view of the charismatic and exemplary leadership qualities he exuded as PAS Spiritual Leader.
Najib, when commenting on Nik Aziz's death, said the nation had lost a knowledgeable Islamic leader who had made vast contributions.
Ahmad Atory described the BN's decision to stay out of Chempaka as a mark of respect for the late Nik Aziz, who had held the seat since 1990.
During the 13th general election, Nik Aziz defeated BN's Wan Razman Wan Abd Razak with a majority of 6,500 votes.
While many see the no-contest move as proof that UMNO respects PAS, it is also an indication that the BN wants to maintain PAS-controlled Kelantan's harmonious political landscape.
Ahmad Atory said the federal government's commitment to press on with its flood relief works should not be seen as a ploy to win the support of the people of Kelantan, as both the federal and state authorities were tasked with the responsibility of taking care of the welfare and well-being of the people.
"It's better for the federal government, that is BN, to focus on post-flood rehabilitation efforts so that it will not have any guilt feelings. For sure, the flood relief works will be affected if it decides to contest the by-election," he said.
Sharing Ahmad Atory's views was Asso Prof Dr Sivamurugan Pandian, a lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia's Centre for Social Science Studies, who said that the BN's decision was a strategic one as it would enable the government to concentrate on the post-flood operations in Kelantan.
Describing it as a good initiative, Sivamurugan said the joint committee which was established to address the post-flood problems in the state, could continue doing its work uninterrupted.
It could also, he added, be a starting point for further cooperation between the federal and state governments.
"This joint flood committee is a first for PAS and UMNO, and both were willing to set aside their differences in their political idealogies for the sake of helping the people," he said.
Sivamurugan said although the BN's choice to stay away from the Chempaka by-election may be perceived wrongly by certain leaders and supporters of the coalition, the decision was made in the best interest of the people of Kelantan.
"In politics, it's usual for people to talk behind one's back. They will say that UMNO and BN are not contesting because they're worried they may not get enough support. But people who say such things are frustrated and don't want to see PAS and UMNO cooperating.
"There's no question of them being afraid to contest in a seat held by the opposition, but it's just that UMNO and BN want to prioritise the interests of the people first, not politics," he said.
The Post-Flood Joint Committee was set up last year to oversee rehabilitation works in various parts of Kelantan, which were badly hit by the floods.
It is jointly chaired by Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakob and International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, who is also Kelantan UMNO Liaison Chairman.
'Tidak Bertanding, Umno Dan BN Lebih Utamakan Rakyat - Penganalisis', Bernama, 28 February 2015
Fokus Berita Oleh Nur Aimidiyana Zuher
KUALA LUMPUR, (Bernama) -- Keputusan Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak bertanding Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Chempaka, memperlihatkan komitmen dan keikhlasan kerajaan dalam mengutamakan rakyat.
Bersandarkan hujah untuk memfokus usaha membantu rakyat Kelantan yang terjejas teruk berikutan musibah banjir akhir tahun lalu dan mengutamakan perpaduan ummah, Umno yang secara tradisi bertanding di kerusi itu mengambil pendirian tidak meletak calon.
Suatu tindakan yang dilihat positif oleh banyak pihak termasuk PAS Kelantan, keputusan tidak bertanding pilihan raya kecil itu akan membolehkan kedua-dua parti memberi perhatian kepada usaha pemulihan pasca banjir di negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang.
Malangnya, pendirian BN, yang ditunjangi UMNO, dipandang negatif segelintir pemimpin lawan yang amat sinis apabila mendakwa keputusan itu mencetuskan gelombang politik baharu yang lebih aman di Malaysia jika UMNO dan BN tidak bertanding pilihan raya.
Ketua Penerangan PAS Datuk Mahfuz Omar berpendapat penglibatan UMNO dalam mana-mana pilihan raya hanya akan mencetuskan suasana perpecahan dan perbalahan, serta mewujudkan padang permainan yang tidak rata.
Mengapa pesimis dengan keputusan BN, sehingga usaha UMNO membantu rakyat Kelantan yang terjejas teruk akibat musibah banjir dan menyatukan ummah diperlekeh? Bukankah ia satu isu kemanusiaan yang perlu ditangani bersama?
Beberapa penganalisis politik berpendapat keputusan BN tidak seharusnya menimbulkan pertikaian dan dicerca.
Lihatlah dengan positif kerana tindakan itu sebenarnya memberi peluang dan masa kepada pemimpin kerajaan persekutuan untuk berbakti kepada rakyat.
Pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain berkata bukanlah sesuatu yang janggal apabila BN tidak meletakkan calon dalam suatu pilihan raya kecil.
"Jika dilihat sebelum ini dalam pilihan raya Bukit Gelugor pada Mei tahun 2014 BN turut mengambil pendekatan yang sama untuk tidak bertanding.
"Malah PAS sendiri pun tidak meletakkan calon di Parlimen Pekan, Pahang semasa ayahanda Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak Hussein meninggal dunia," katanya kepada Bernama.
Pada Rabu, Perdana Menteri mengumumkan bahawa BN tidak akan bertanding pada PRK DUN Chempaka untuk memberi fokus kepada kerja-kerja pemulihan pasca banjir di Kelantan, selain memastikan usaha-usaha perpaduan ummah diperkukuhkan.
Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya menetapkan pilihan raya kecil Chempaka pada 22 Mac depan manakala penamaan calon 10 Mac. Kerusi itu kosong berikutan kematian penyandangnya, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat akibat kanser prostat pada 12 Feb lepas.
Penganalisis politik turut berpendapat bahawa biarpun berbeza idealogi politik, ketokohan dan kepimpinan Nik Aziz, yang merupakan Mursyidul Am PAS, adalah satu kehilangan besar seorang pemimpin Islam yang dihormati.
Najib turut menyifatkan negara kehilangan seorang pemimpin dan ilmuwan Islam yang telah banyak berjasa dengan pemergian Nik Aziz ke rahmatullah.
Ahmad Atory berpandangan keputusan BN untuk tidak bertanding di DUN Chempaka ibarat satu penghormatan kepada Allahyarham Nik Aziz, yang merupakan wakil rakyat DUN Chempaka sejak 1990.
Pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) lepas, Nik Aziz (PAS) menewaskan calon BN, Wan Razman Wan Abd Razak dengan majoriti 6,500 undi.
Banyak pihak melihat langkah UMNO tidak bertanding membuktikan sikap hormat UMNO kepada PAS. Ia juga satu petanda baik mengekalkan keharmonian lanskap politik di Kelantan, yang ditadbir PAS.
Ahmad Atory berkata komitmen kerajaan pusat untuk meneruskan kerja-kerja pemulihan pasca banjir ini tidak boleh dilihat bertujuan meraih sokongan rakyat Kelantan, sebaliknya ia adalah tanggungjawab kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri bekerjasama memastikan kebajikan rakyat Kelantan dibela.
"Adalah lebih baik bagi kerajaan persekutuan iaitu BN menumpukan kepada kerja-kerja pemulihan pasca banjir untuk mengelakkan perasaan 'serba salah' jika BN bertanding dalam PRK DUN Chempaka kerana ia akan menjejaskan kerja-kerja pasca banjir," katanya.
Senada dengan Ahmad Atory, pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan di Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Prof Madya Dr Sivamurugan Pandian berkata secara strategik, ia merupakan keputusan tepat bagi mengelakkan gangguan kepada jawatankuasa bersama mengatasi masalah banjir di Kelantan.
"Jawatankuasa banjir ini merupakan permulaan asas melibatkan kerjasama antara PAS dan Umno yang sanggup mengetepikan perbezaan idealogi politik demi memberi manafaat kepada rakyat," katanya.
Mengakui keputusan BN untuk tidak bertanding dalam PRK DUN Chempaka menimbulkan pelbagai tanggapan dan perasaan kurang senang di kalangan pemimpin serta penyokong BN bahkan parti lawan, Sivamurugan berkata ia adalah keputusan bersama demi kesejahteraan rakyat Kelantan.
"Sudah menjadi lumrah biasa dalam politik pasti ada 'cakap-cakap belakang' kononya Umno dan BN tidak bertanding kerana bimbang tidak mendapat sokongan rakyat Kelantan, itu adalah golongan yang kecewa dan tidak mahu melihat kesepakatan antara PAS dan Umno.
"Tidak timbul soal takut untuk bertanding di kawasan lawan (pembangkang) tetapi BN dan Umno merasakan kepentingan rakyat perlu didahulukan daripada soal politik," katanya.
Jawatankuasa Bersama Menangani Pasca Banjir bagi memulihkan semula kehidupan rakyat di negeri ini yang terjejas teruk akibat banjir diwujudkan tahun lepas. Ia dipengerusikan bersama Menteri Besar Kelantan Datuk Ahmad Yakob dan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed yang juga Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Kelantan.
KUALA LUMPUR, (Bernama) -- Keputusan Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak bertanding Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Chempaka, memperlihatkan komitmen dan keikhlasan kerajaan dalam mengutamakan rakyat.
Bersandarkan hujah untuk memfokus usaha membantu rakyat Kelantan yang terjejas teruk berikutan musibah banjir akhir tahun lalu dan mengutamakan perpaduan ummah, Umno yang secara tradisi bertanding di kerusi itu mengambil pendirian tidak meletak calon.
Suatu tindakan yang dilihat positif oleh banyak pihak termasuk PAS Kelantan, keputusan tidak bertanding pilihan raya kecil itu akan membolehkan kedua-dua parti memberi perhatian kepada usaha pemulihan pasca banjir di negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang.
Malangnya, pendirian BN, yang ditunjangi UMNO, dipandang negatif segelintir pemimpin lawan yang amat sinis apabila mendakwa keputusan itu mencetuskan gelombang politik baharu yang lebih aman di Malaysia jika UMNO dan BN tidak bertanding pilihan raya.
Ketua Penerangan PAS Datuk Mahfuz Omar berpendapat penglibatan UMNO dalam mana-mana pilihan raya hanya akan mencetuskan suasana perpecahan dan perbalahan, serta mewujudkan padang permainan yang tidak rata.
Mengapa pesimis dengan keputusan BN, sehingga usaha UMNO membantu rakyat Kelantan yang terjejas teruk akibat musibah banjir dan menyatukan ummah diperlekeh? Bukankah ia satu isu kemanusiaan yang perlu ditangani bersama?
Beberapa penganalisis politik berpendapat keputusan BN tidak seharusnya menimbulkan pertikaian dan dicerca.
Lihatlah dengan positif kerana tindakan itu sebenarnya memberi peluang dan masa kepada pemimpin kerajaan persekutuan untuk berbakti kepada rakyat.
Pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain berkata bukanlah sesuatu yang janggal apabila BN tidak meletakkan calon dalam suatu pilihan raya kecil.
"Jika dilihat sebelum ini dalam pilihan raya Bukit Gelugor pada Mei tahun 2014 BN turut mengambil pendekatan yang sama untuk tidak bertanding.
"Malah PAS sendiri pun tidak meletakkan calon di Parlimen Pekan, Pahang semasa ayahanda Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak Hussein meninggal dunia," katanya kepada Bernama.
Pada Rabu, Perdana Menteri mengumumkan bahawa BN tidak akan bertanding pada PRK DUN Chempaka untuk memberi fokus kepada kerja-kerja pemulihan pasca banjir di Kelantan, selain memastikan usaha-usaha perpaduan ummah diperkukuhkan.
Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya menetapkan pilihan raya kecil Chempaka pada 22 Mac depan manakala penamaan calon 10 Mac. Kerusi itu kosong berikutan kematian penyandangnya, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat akibat kanser prostat pada 12 Feb lepas.
Penganalisis politik turut berpendapat bahawa biarpun berbeza idealogi politik, ketokohan dan kepimpinan Nik Aziz, yang merupakan Mursyidul Am PAS, adalah satu kehilangan besar seorang pemimpin Islam yang dihormati.
Najib turut menyifatkan negara kehilangan seorang pemimpin dan ilmuwan Islam yang telah banyak berjasa dengan pemergian Nik Aziz ke rahmatullah.
Ahmad Atory berpandangan keputusan BN untuk tidak bertanding di DUN Chempaka ibarat satu penghormatan kepada Allahyarham Nik Aziz, yang merupakan wakil rakyat DUN Chempaka sejak 1990.
Pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) lepas, Nik Aziz (PAS) menewaskan calon BN, Wan Razman Wan Abd Razak dengan majoriti 6,500 undi.
Banyak pihak melihat langkah UMNO tidak bertanding membuktikan sikap hormat UMNO kepada PAS. Ia juga satu petanda baik mengekalkan keharmonian lanskap politik di Kelantan, yang ditadbir PAS.
Ahmad Atory berkata komitmen kerajaan pusat untuk meneruskan kerja-kerja pemulihan pasca banjir ini tidak boleh dilihat bertujuan meraih sokongan rakyat Kelantan, sebaliknya ia adalah tanggungjawab kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri bekerjasama memastikan kebajikan rakyat Kelantan dibela.
"Adalah lebih baik bagi kerajaan persekutuan iaitu BN menumpukan kepada kerja-kerja pemulihan pasca banjir untuk mengelakkan perasaan 'serba salah' jika BN bertanding dalam PRK DUN Chempaka kerana ia akan menjejaskan kerja-kerja pasca banjir," katanya.
Senada dengan Ahmad Atory, pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan di Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Prof Madya Dr Sivamurugan Pandian berkata secara strategik, ia merupakan keputusan tepat bagi mengelakkan gangguan kepada jawatankuasa bersama mengatasi masalah banjir di Kelantan.
"Jawatankuasa banjir ini merupakan permulaan asas melibatkan kerjasama antara PAS dan Umno yang sanggup mengetepikan perbezaan idealogi politik demi memberi manafaat kepada rakyat," katanya.
Mengakui keputusan BN untuk tidak bertanding dalam PRK DUN Chempaka menimbulkan pelbagai tanggapan dan perasaan kurang senang di kalangan pemimpin serta penyokong BN bahkan parti lawan, Sivamurugan berkata ia adalah keputusan bersama demi kesejahteraan rakyat Kelantan.
"Sudah menjadi lumrah biasa dalam politik pasti ada 'cakap-cakap belakang' kononya Umno dan BN tidak bertanding kerana bimbang tidak mendapat sokongan rakyat Kelantan, itu adalah golongan yang kecewa dan tidak mahu melihat kesepakatan antara PAS dan Umno.
"Tidak timbul soal takut untuk bertanding di kawasan lawan (pembangkang) tetapi BN dan Umno merasakan kepentingan rakyat perlu didahulukan daripada soal politik," katanya.
Jawatankuasa Bersama Menangani Pasca Banjir bagi memulihkan semula kehidupan rakyat di negeri ini yang terjejas teruk akibat banjir diwujudkan tahun lepas. Ia dipengerusikan bersama Menteri Besar Kelantan Datuk Ahmad Yakob dan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed yang juga Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Kelantan.
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